Transformational Mindset Coach
Master Certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach
Certified Mental Toughness Trainer
Habit Change Specialist
Meet Your Coach
Transformational Habit Change
Improving Overall Wellness
Simplifying the Daily Chaos of Life
Integrating Healthy Habits into Everyday Life
Clearing Sabotaging Mental Blocks
Learning to Master Your Emotions
Healthy Cooking / Meal Planning
Digestive Wellness
Decluttering & Organization
Self Esteem Building
Corrective Exercise
Improving the Athletes Mental Game
Certified as Health Fitness Instructor
American College of Sports Medicine
Certified as Personal Trainer
American Council on Exercise
Certified as Golf Biomechanic
CHEK Institute
Certified as Health Coach
Health Coach Institute
Certified as Life Coach
Health Coach Institute
Certified as Mental Toughness Trainer
Mental Toughness Trainer Academy
PSYCH-K® Facilitator
PSYCH-K® Centre International
Certified as Integrative Wellness & Life Coach
Integrative Wellness Academy
Certified as Mindvalley Holobody Health Coach
Mindvalley Academy
Certified as Health Fitness Instructor
American College of Sports Medicine
Certified as Personal Trainer
American Council on Exercise
Certified as Golf Biomechanic
CHEK Institute
Certified as Health Coach
Health Coach Institute
Certified as Life Coach
Health Coach Institute
Certified as Mental Toughness Trainer
Mental Toughness Trainer Academy
PSYCH-K® Facilitator
PSYCH-K® Centre International
Certified as Integrative Wellness & Life Coach
Integrative Wellness Academy
Certified as Mindvalley Holobody Health Coach
Mindvalley Academy
My Story
Despite growing up in a fairly healthy household with an active lifestyle, I was riddled with allergies, fatigue, asthma, chronic illnesses and out of control emotions as a youth. I also was a youth athlete but was injured almost every season of every sport I ever played, which never made sense because I was strong, lean, flexible and conditioned.
I fought to understand and gain some control over my broken body and studied health & kinesiology in college – ultimately becoming a corrective exercise specialist, certified personal trainer & health/fitness instructor. I LOVED helping people learn about the incredible mechanical machine they had in their own body and what they needed to do to balance that machine for optimum function, thereby relieving it of pain and deterioration.
I was diagnosed with a genetic collagen disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which explained my consistent pain and injuries. Through my own body's unique qualities and challenges, I was led me to study more on joints, tissues and biomechanics and a began working in a professional specialty of corrective exercise working with post rehab pain management clients and high level athletes.
Later on in my health career, my serious personal health struggles with infertility and pregnancy loss, chronic Lyme Disease, weight gain and cancer along with one of my children’s struggle with epilepsy and autism lead me to an over 15 year in depth study and journey with nutrition, healing and the truth of how we were designed to be fueled through nourishment as well as our body's amazing design to heal itself.
Going through a personal family devastation led me to a total epiphany to the missing piece of the health puzzle. The mental game. No matter what you do to be more healthy, STRESS will sabotage those efforts. Not just physical stressors, but equally mental and emotional ones as well.
It was why former clients had trouble with compliance once they were done seeing me on a regular basis. It was why I couldn’t get well after my cancer surgery despite doing everything “right”. It was why I witnessed Facebook friends all over the country with goals to lose weight, or get in shape – even those with good information on WHAT to do - have trouble following through on actually doing it. And then those who did lose weight or get in shape, would go right back to old habits – usually within a year. It was why so many women (and men) would chose the wrong partner over and over again. It’s why despite setting a goal of “simplifying” life, life gets even busier than ever. It’s why kids who work so hard in their sport crack under pressure and under-perform in competition.
A deep passion burned inside me to help EVERYONE I came in contact with learn the truth about themselves and the “secret” to gaining control over their lives once and for all enabling them to finally craft the life they were made to live! I continued my studies in coaching and neuroscience and was certified as a Health Coach, Life Coach and Mental Toughness Trainer. I was trained in the TCM technique, EFT, PSYCH-K®, Meditation and am currently studying NLP.
I am incredibly blessed today to help people experience profound breakthroughs through my unique process, utilizing The RACE Formula system along with tools such as PSYCH-K®, EFT, and Meditation, that has been proven effective with thousands of people of all ages worldwide to get breakthroughs in their lives they had previously only dreamed of, enabling them to craft the lives of their dreams!
I can help you not only overcome but also craft the life of YOUR dreams. I am Holistic Life Strategist - a Master Health, Lifestyle & Confidence Coach, Mental Skills Trainer and Habit Change Specialist. I work from Zoom video sessions, so can hold sessions with anyone who has internet service around the globe.
Connect with me to get more information and set up a FREE Strategy Session or Nutshell Session now (for a limited time only, a $175 value)!
Let's do this! Tiffani